Sunday, 8 December 2013



¡hola!!!my dear friends..we meet post about motivation and rewards. What company do to motivate the employees?? To answers the questions we must know the ways on how to motivate it. Motivate the employees doesn't have to be a challenge as well as you know how to make them feel excited to come to work everyday and to spend time with other employees.

Here i want yo give 3 way that the company can do to motivate their employees..

  1. Creating a friendly work environment ( create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere for the employees, then that will be more eager to go to work every day)
  2. Take advantage of a wall space ( make it as a great place to catch their attention and motivate them into doing work better such as put a bulletin board, put some motivational slogan or put some poster to show the company progress to motivate the employees to do good work)
  3. Use food as incentive because people will be much more excited to come to work if they know that there will be some food waiting for them. (it can be by keep a kitchen stocked with full of food or drink, order pizza for lunch once in a while with employees or create a "pizza day" in a month and also bring in a cake or cupcakes on an employees birthday) 

This 3 ways for sure can motivate the employees for doing better in work. And for rewards as a bos can rewards the employees based on their hard work bu giving a recognition or small gift like movie ticket, a time off by giving them back early then usual, give vacation, bonus or treat a lunch with you. This will be the opportunity for you to get know them better.

For the example i will take Koperasi Tenaga Nasional Berhad because this organization are really care about their employees because they preserve their staff with some of facility as shown:-

  1. Loan Facility (guaranteed loans, mortgage loan, contribution loan and other)
  2. Insurance Facility (motor vehicle insurance, insurance group and etiqa takaful)
  3. Welfare and education for the employees child
  4. Can get the death benefit (will be pay sum of money)
  5. Education (courses and education staff or courses delegate)

As a reward they will give to the contribution of the loyal member by giving bonus in salary, trip for travel/abroad and also award for the best staff or membership. Motivate and rewards the employees really a best way to make them more eager to come for work and give more contribution to the company itself..

Till meet again..

Adius Amigos  

Friday, 6 December 2013

Corporate Culture in Organization


¡hola!!!my dear friends..we meet again..i want to share with you all about Corporate Culture and Leadership. Before we go further let we go through the meaning of the Corporate Culture first.

OK friends..Corporate Culture describe the ways a company’s owner and employees think, feel and act. It shown:-
  1. The ways the organizations conduct its business, treats its employees, customers and the wider community
  2. The extend to which freedom allowed in decision making, developing news ideas and personal expression
  3. How power and information flow through its hierarchy
  4. How committed employees are towards collective objectives

      Corporate culture also defined as “the shared basic value, ideologies ans assumptions which guide and fashion the organisational behavior and actions”. It also can be influenced by the local and global business environment, for example the telco industry may have to instill an innovative and fast decision-making culture due to the quick evolution of the industry. Corporate culture may also be influenced by the diversity of race or nationality, which creates the needs to be sensitive to differing racial personality background

Corporate culture plays a very important role in the daily activities of an organization by providing guided practice of company values and behavior. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate positive company culture from respectful values which encourages employees loyalty. It is most ideal to introduce the company culture from the day the employees starts work gradually cultivate into them the values to be adopted and expected from all staff.

Top management plays a significant role in evolving the company culture. People in the organization tend to look upon the top management as their role model, and modify their behavior to suit the wishes and behaviors of the top people. However, one factor that is often overlooked by the management of such culture is that the way the firing is done can have as much impact on the people who remain. These people who remain in the organization will ask “Could this happen to me” or “When will this happen to me??”. Naturally such culture will instill “fear” instead of “loyalty
And if i’m be the top management i will make sure the environment of the organization were comfortable beside include the Islamic value which means care about the Islamic workers need, But it doesn't means that the other religions will be ignore just like nothing else happen, just be the fair minded and respect each other that all.Because that is important to actualize the harmony organization.

Other than that execute the good relationship among the employees and the top management for not to feel awkward when they have to meet or deal with the top management or will be a border among them. But that must have a limit right??. And the most important thing is i will make sure the employees will feel being appreciate because i will allow them to express their idea or personal expression in developing a new strategies to reinforce the company business. I’m sure by giving them a freedom in express the idea, it will make them feel more enthusiastic in work.

For the example Hitachi Ltd bring their cultural value in Malaysia into organizational along their “cultural baggage” in the form of systems, procedures and technique, similar to their home country wherever they do business and continue to function. For instance, Japanese culture is more concerned about collectivism, life-long commitment to their organizations and “samurai spirit” that applied in their workplace.

I hope you all can gain a little bit infomation about the corporate culture..till meet again
Adius Amigos  

Relaxed Session with....OSHIMA Restaurant


¡hola!!!my dear friends..we meet again..for this post i want to share about OSHIMA Restaurant. Why OSHIMA?? When we say OSHIMA directly we will be remembered of Japan right??because the word is take from the place that call OSHIMA in Japan. You all must be wondered why i want to share about this restaurant. OK to make it clear OSHIMA Restaurant a such restaurant in Malaysia that serve Japanese HALAL food. We know that in Malaysia have many restaurant that serve Japanese food but the HALAL status we don't know and of course we will feel doubtful to eat the food although we craving to eat that. 

OSHIMA Restaurant itself having some obstacle to maintain their business in serve Japanese food and to compete with other Japan restaurant in Malaysia. Some of their obstacle is hard to get a certificate of HALAL. Of course we as a Muslim are really concern about the HALAL status if we want to market our business because majority Malaysia people are Muslim. According to the founder of OSHIMA, it really hard to get the certificate because the high cost. We imagine that a small business need to pay more money just to have HALAL certificate it don't easy right??because this certificate must get from Japan and take long period to make it approve.Other obstacle is human resource problem that a common problem that all company or other business will face it because we don't know much about people especially if we on the top management. If we doesn't have strategy on how to mix among the employee we will face a problem because the care of our employee was our responsible.

In the business they will have up and down like a spinning wheel, why i said that because according to the founder they face some failure in running their business OSHIMA Restaurant.The most important failure is..the founder itself doesn't have knowledge about business at all because from engineering field she switch the interest to involve in business by open the restaurant. It quit impressive and be inspiring me because i’m also have intent to open my own business. The other failure is doesn't have budget for promotion or training, no sense of customer satisfaction also does;t have niche in the product or services.

To be success we must have strategy, that are the founder do to overcome the failure and maintain their business although she had to close some of their branch and start with the base back. What the founder do is she try to understand the need of people, increase their brand awareness, try to use social media like Facebook, website or blog to advertise our business in other word we said be genuine. The most important is passion in the business if we doesn't have that feel it will become our nightmare because we will always face to failure. 


What make me impress with the founder of OSHIMA restaurant is one of their strategy is “always ikhlas for ALLAH” means don’t always ask for money or reward on whatever work we do. If we do the right work with pure heart INSYAALLAH we will get the benefit.Also always “BE POSITIVE OF ALL TIME” means don't easily give up if having problem or other risk in our business. 

I think lot of my celoteh in this post hope u all can get a little bit tips or be inspiring to open own business as well as don't ever ever easily give up. Till meet again..

Adius Amigos 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Diversification x Multibusiness = Corporate Strategy


¡hola!!!my dear friends..we meet again in the new i want to share about corporate strategy on how the business diversification can enhance shareholder value and improving company performance. Before we go further we must have the strategic diversification option and when the business would become consideration.For complete that there have several test can be use which is the attractiveness test, the cost of entry test, and the better-off test and this all three test will be use for testing whether diversification adds value for shareholders. We know by creating added value for shareholders via diversification require building a multibusiness company where he whole is greater than the sum of its parts means as a synergy. What is synergy???It is a formula for evaluating the potential for synergy through diversification.
For the example :- 1+1=2 ( No synergy) / 1+1=3 (Have synergy)

By using business lineup such as acquisition of an existing business, internal new venture and joint venture will be use for approaches to diversification. We also must define which diversification path to pursue either related businesses ( have competitively cross-business value chain and resource match-ups) or unrelated businesses (similar with value chain but no competitively cross-business) or both related and unrelated businesses.

Strategic fit are one or more activities constituting the value chain of different business as to present opportunities for cross business sharing. For make it complete we must identify the cross-business strategic fits along the value chain which is potential cross-business fits that consists:-
  1. Supply chain activity
  2. Manufacturing related activity
  3. Distribution related activity
  4. Customer service activity
  5. Sales and marketing activity
  6. R&D technology activities

Strategic fits also can be convert into competitive advantage whereas by combining related value chain activities to achieve lower cost. The diversified corporation plays in nurturing its component business through the provision of the top management expertise, disciplined control, financial resource and other types generalized resource will act as role that refers to the corporate parenting. For moves into new strategic we must improve overall the corporate performance such as broaden diversification base with new acquisitions, restructure through divestitures and acquisitions and stick with the existing business lineup.

To be an independent company we must created a corporate parent divest a business by distributing to its stockholders a new shares in this business or known as spin off. For put a whole new face on the company business lineup we must involve in making major changes in diversified company by divesting some business or named it as company wide restructuring. All these can be use for diversification strategy and improving company performance on the main corporate strategy.

OK..hope these input can be such a notes for those who want to make corporate strategy. We will meet in the next post with new topic... :)

Adius Amigos 

Ordinary Market to International..


¡hola!!!my dear this moment i’m still strong  sit infornt on my lappy when my housemate get their beautiful dream along the rain in cold..suddently appear jelousy feeling..but must stay strong to update a new post for my lovely subject...(=_=) OK fara...back to the post about strategies for competing in international market means to know the way on how the companies can move form ordinary to compete with the international market. 

Before we go futher, we must know the reasons why decide to enter foreign market and list it..It is because to gain access to new customer or to futher exploit core competencies or other factor..From that we can know the actual reason on why competing with other market to make more complete. Then we must have the key strategic consideration on demographic, cultural and market condition for make it easier to plan the strategic option for entering and competing in international market. It also have pro and cons in the various strategies such as export strategies on economic scale,licensing and franchising strategies on local market taste and source of requirement, the foreign subsidiary strategies in cost of acquisition and market entry also greenfield strategies on development and direct transfer of firm. These pro and cons a little bit be influence on competing the market. Other than that also can use alliance and joint venture strategies whereas know collaborative strategies that focus the way companies edge into market of foreign country.

Have 3 approach for competing internationally it shown:-
1)     Multidomestic strategy (Offering and competitive approach from country to country in an effort to be responsive.It is think loca, act-local of international strategy by decision making for decentralized to the local level)
2)      Global strategy ( Its represent a think-global and act-global approach)
3)      Transnational strategy (Think-global, act-global approach that incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies)  

Companies that compete internationally can pursue competitive advantage in world markets by locating their value chain activities in whatever nation prove most advantageous.They must have the key location issues to build the competitive advantage such as customize offerings in each country market and pursue a strategy of offering a mostly standardized product worldwide. Beside that the company must have the profit sanctuaries where that means a country market that provide a firm with substantial product because of a strong or protected market position. By using the profit sanctuaries it can be use to defend against international rivals also must have strategies option competing the market for defending it against the global in developing countries.

That all the strategies that can be use to compete with the rival in the market beside to move up from ordinary to international by able to take a risk in entering the international market. Hope u all can make it as a tip to rose up the company level to international.
OK..till meet again in the next post..:) 

 Adius Amigos  

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Competitive approach + Maximize the power = Strength Company Competitive Position


¡hola!!!my dear friends..i want to share with you all some quote “Competing in the marketplace is like war, You have injuries and causalities, and the best strategy wins” by John Collins – NHL executive

What i want to share here is about the strategy on how to strengthening a company competitive position. This is relate to the five generic strategies because while the company has completed it they must plan to the other strategies for maintain the company position using strategic offensive and defensive strategies.
What is strategic offensive??? It is such a general rule that be grounded in a company strategies asset and employ a company strength to attack rival in the competitive ares where there are weakest. For the example using the blue-ocean strategies, it seek to gain a dramatic new competitive advantage by abandoning effort to beat out competitors in existing market.

 In the easy word it such like W.Chan Kim and Renee Mauborge said “The key to exceptional business success is to redefine the terms of competition and move into the “blue ocean”, where you have the water to yourself. The goal of these strategies is not to beat the competition, but to make the competitor irrelevant.” (from book of blue-ocean).

Defensive strategies also can help the company because it to lower the risk of being attacked, weaken the impact of any attack that occur or the influence of challenge that aim the efforts at the other rivals.Actually its protect the company position. Beside that we can use the other strategies which is:-

1) Horizontal mergers ans acquisitions strategies
2) Vertical integration strategies
3) Outsourcing strategies
4) Alliances and partnership strategies 

These all strategies can be applied in the company to maintain the market position beside strengthening the company competitive position itself. By using this we can recognize which a the fist mover or fast follower or a late mover is most advantageous also can be aware of the conditions from the rivals or outside parties. Hope you all can gain if not more maybe a little form this strategies to be applied it into the company..

OK..hope will be some benefit on it..see in the next post!! 

Adius Amigos  

Saturday, 30 November 2013

---P.G.S---> The 4 Categories of Business Strategies


¡hola!!!my dear friends...i will talk about P.G.S...what is P.G.S???u all wonders right..P.G.S stand for Porter’s Generic short word i call it P.G.S not PMS OK....Porter’s Generic Strategies was create by Micheal Porter which is a professor at Harvard Business School. A firm’s success in strategy rest upon how it positions itself in respect to its environment.Micheal Porter has argued that a firm’s strengths ultimately fall into one of two headings:- cost advantage and differentiation. By applying these strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, 4 generic strategies results consist BROAD COST LEARDERSHIP, FOCUSED COST LEADERSHIP, BROAD DIFFERENTATION and FOCUS DIFFERENTATION 

Mydin giving customer more value for the money by offering upscale product that attribute at a lower cost that rivals.With the tagline “Why Pay More??Buy at Wholesale Prices” it provide product at affordable price for customer to pay especially in the low and middle class. Such a product is in food line, household, soft lines and hard lines item. These all product from food until fabric all we can get at Mydin at lower price. It also practice a HALAL concept and stresses on honesty, sincerity and good discipline in all aspect of business..For the example we can look it through it employees whereas they always smile and treat a customer in proper manner also it can be the best leading wholesale and retail company because it provide the best value of goods and always maintain the excellence in the business. Mydin can be the low cost provider because most buyer always use the same product at the same ways so it can maintain the price with the rivals such as Giant..because we know the price competition among rival sellers is vigorous. So.. lets we support Mydin!!!yeah!!..:) 

Concentrating on a narrow price-sensitive buyer segment and on cost to offer a lower-price product. As example we take Al-Ikhsan that begin the business with single store at Johor Bahru and now it owning 132 outlet. With the tagline “The Biggest Sport Retailer in Malaysia” that provide world class sporting goods to all Malaysia and also providing a platform where any Malaysia can own world class sporting goods. From there we can look that Al-Ikhsan focused on sport item that expensive if we buy it oversea. In Al-Ikhsan we can get any brand item form Nike, Converse, Adidas into local brands because it provide international club team jersey,malaysian club team such as PKNS and harimau selatan jersey also a national team jersey with the affordable price. On the 1st stage al-ikhsan just provide men product but now women also can get shoes or cloth in al-ikhsan..The price on all of the product are best buy either it is a high quality shoes or cloth and all people can buy and get any all sport product with any brand in Al-Ikhsan store. Al-ikhsan can be in best position in business if they win the price sensitive buyer and set the floor on market price but can still earn a profit. That can make it a wider store as same as other branded store such as Nike because it have a high quality product. Lets visit Al-Ikhsan store or outlet and get happy shopping!!.. 

A differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customer. It because most customer perceive the product to be different and better than that of rivals.As example we look at McDonald, the customers are all classes, but largely working and middle classes and people of all ages.McDonald’s know that some customer go to its store to take a quick break from their activities and not because McDonald was able make their food ten seconds faster than competitor. So McDonald’s marketing executives put together the phrase “Have you had your break today??”. It also bring the value, quality,convenience and quick service that were make us feel like getting break in a hectic day. Also it provide a simple easy enjoyment to every customer at every visit..With the tagline I’m Lovin It..i’m sure most people like to go to McDonald to get the burger..and always like to like to being there because the environment itself.. 

Concentrating on a narrow buyer segment by meeting specific tastes and requirements of niche members.A firm that using a focus strategy often enjoys a high degree of customer loyalty and this entrenched loyalty discourages other firms from competing directly. It because of the narrow market focus, firms pursuing a focus strategy and have lower volumes and therefore less bargaining power with their suppliers.However a differentiation focused strategy may be able to pass higher cost on to customer. We take example of Porsche where their principle “Doesn't’t simply build sports cars, Porsche is more, much more and Porsche is different” also the brand policy “ focus on performance in deep-rooted in ourselves but it certainly does not end with he cars”. The special of Porsche it have personal customer consultation that focus on the their customer about the vehicle to make it unique and more exclusive as on the fingertips beside to maintain the customer loyalty. It provide the high class type of car such as Boxster, Cayman,911, Panamac, 918 Spyder,Macan, and Cayenne. Most the car a high quality with the expensive price that the high class only can afford to buy it. But by looking at the car model, the design of car is unique and nice..i’am also like the Porsche model especially the 918 Spyder look so..elegant and classy..but person like me just dream to have nothing impossible right that 1 day i can have  that car...heheee....insyaALLAH...:)

OK friends..i’ll continue with other next post..
Adius Amigos